See the manual for Learning the Basics. It is assumed you are familiar with the mouse and standard â„¢Macintash menu formats. The Apple or System Menu is covered more extensively than this help screen.
Help is available for most windows under the Apple. Use this command to get help that is specific to what you are doing in the program.
WORKING WITH WINDOWS. The program will show you a series of windows or screens, most of which contain one or more objects that you can manipulate.
PUSH BUTTONS are test (e.g., "OK,""Done,""Save,""New""Daily Reconciliation Report") outlined by an oval or rectangle. Clicking once on a push button typically initiates an action of some kind, such as opening a record from the database, returning you to a previous window, etc. DEFAULT PUSH BUTTONS are designated by a heavier, double outline. When there is a default push button, pressing the Enter/Return key on the keyboard will activate the default push button. In certain situations, push buttons will appear dimmed on the Macintosh until you have made the entries required by the program to activate the button.
CHECK BUTTONS are text with a check box to the left, indicating the state of an option of some kind in the program. On the Macintosh, check buttons that are "on" contain an "X" in the box; check buttons that are "off" have an empty box. Clicking on a check button turns the button on if it is off, or off if it is on. (Only one of these buttons is used in this program and that is on Enter Loan Information when initially setting up loan.)
RADIO BUTTONS are text with a circle to the left, indicating the state of a choice of some kind in the program. On the Macintosh, radio buttons that are "on" contain a darkened center in the circle; Clicking on a radio button turns the button on and may turn other buttons of like kind on or off.
SCROLL BOXES display information in rectangular box with a "scroll bar" on the right side.(Observe right side of this window.) Clicking on the up-arrow of the scroll bar causes the information in the scroll box to scroll down, thereby bringing into view information from "above" the scroll box.
Clicking on the down-arrow at the bottom of the scroll bar causes the information in the scroll box to scroll up, thereby bringing into view information from "below" the scroll box.
The position of the small box in the center of the scroll bar indicates the relative position of the information currently visible in the scroll box in reference to all information that is available.
By clicking on the gray areas in the scroll bar above or below the small box, it is possible to scroll up or down in larger increments than is possible by clicking on the up-arrow or the down-arrow. You can also drag the small box to any desired position on the scroll bar, and the information will scroll to that position.
Most scroll boxes present information from records in the database. To select a record from such a scroll box, click on the desired record in the scroll box. In certain situations, double-clicking on an entry in a scroll box is the same as clicking once on the record and then clicking on a push button in to window. When there are many button choices on a window, before double clicking, be sure you know which button is related to this action! You may initiate an incorrect action.
ENTRY AREAS. When a window first appears on the screen, if there are any areas where information can be entered, the text editing cursor will appear in the first such entry area. On the Macintosh the cursor appears as a blinking vertical bar. PRESSING THE TAB KEY WILL ADVANCE YOU TO THE NEXT ENTRY AREA. If you make an invalid entry and press the Tab key, you will hear a beep, and the text editing cursor will not advance to the next entry area.
MAIN Window
SET-UP USER Button: First section required to start program. The User Name is the only required field.
SET-UP LOANS Button: New Loans, editing and deleting of Loans as well as setting up Underlying Loans and editing of same. Any adjustments to the current loan balance after payments have been received are entered through this button, then EDIT Button.
PAYMENTS Button: Takes you to a second window to select Loan Payments (defaulted), Escrow Payments, Underlying Loan Payments, and Payments-File Purge. For those who do not keep an entire history of payments on file for the full term of the loan will use this area to clean out there Payments File.
CAUTION: For 'Payments-File Purge', the Payment History, Summary Reports, Status Reports, and 1098 Information use the Payments File exclusively to calcuate their information. By deleting through a given date restricts how far back you can get information. Also, to recalcuate the entire loan payment file for an original entry error of loan data will not be possible-only Future activity.
REPORTS Button: This button takes you to a Reports Selection window where there are View and Print, Print Only, and View Only reports available. See Help at the Reports window for further information.
LOAN TOTALS Button: Your can have your Current monthly totals for payments receivable, payments payable, total principle receivable, principle payable and nets on both just by clicking this button. Only 'Active Status' or 'A' records are included in current totals.
TO START FIRST set up User. As data is entered the program will create 20 data files. They should be in a folder together and named as you see fit. This Application and the main files folder should be in the same window or folder. Save your backups for archiving in a separate folder away from the application program.